Central AC Servicing

Central AC servicing is crucial for maintaining the optimal performance and efficiency of your central air conditioning system. Here's why central AC servicing is important:

10+ Years of Experience

The highest quality services

Improved Cooling Performance:

Regular servicing of your central AC system ensures that all components, including the condenser, evaporator, and ductwork, are clean and free from debris. This allows for proper airflow and heat exchange, resulting in improved cooling performance. Servicing also includes checking and adjusting refrigerant levels, ensuring that your system operates at the correct temperature and provides consistent cooling throughout your space.

Energy Efficiency:

A well-maintained central AC system operates more efficiently, which can lead to significant energy savings. During servicing, technicians clean or replace dirty filters, check and seal any air leaks in the ductwork, and optimize system settings. These actions reduce energy waste and help your central AC system run more efficiently, resulting in lower energy bills and reduced environmental impact.

Compliance with Electrical Codes:

Electrical codes and regulations are in place to ensure the safety and proper functioning of electrical systems. If your current electrical panel does not meet the required codes, an AC circuit change is necessary to bring your system into compliance. This is particularly important if you are renovating or selling your property, as electrical code compliance is often required.

Reliable Power Distribution:

AC circuit change ensures that power is distributed evenly and efficiently throughout your property. It allows for the proper allocation of electrical capacity to various circuits, minimizing the risk of overloading and reducing the chances of electrical malfunctions or disruptions.